Soft-bottom macrozoobenthos from the littoral zone of the Natura 2000 MPA "Ropotamo", Southern Bulgarian Black Sea (2013)

Dernière version publié le 30 juin 2021
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Abundance (individuals/m2) of macrozoobenthic taxa at littoral/upper infralittoral soft-bottom stations in the Natura 2000 MPA "Ropotamo" (BG0001001), southern Bulgarian Black Sea. The data were collected during field surveys of IBER-BAS in 2013 as part of project COCONET. The dataset also contains a visual description of sediment type at the stations, and a habitat type classification to EUNIS L3.
Date de publication:
30 juin 2021
Hébergé par:
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CC0 1.0

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Klayn S, Karamfilov V (2021): Soft-bottom macrozoobenthos from the littoral zone of the Natura 2000 MPA Ropotamo, Southern Bulgarian Black Sea (2013). v1. Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IBER-BAS). Dataset/Samplingevent.


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Black Sea; Marine parks; Coastal zone; Littoral zone; Marine invertebrates; Community composition; Abundance; Samplingevent


Personne ayant créé cette ressource:

Stefania Klayn
Scientific researcher
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IBER-BAS)
2 Major Yurii Gagarin Street
1113 Sofia
Ventzislav Karamfilov
Associate Professor
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IBER-BAS)
2 Major Yurii Gagarin Street
1113 Sofia

Personne pouvant répondre aux questions sur la ressource:

Stefania Klayn
Scientific researcher
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IBER-BAS)
2 Major Yurii Gagarin Street
1113 Sofia

Personne ayant renseigné les métadonnées:

Stefania Klayn
Scientific researcher
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IBER-BAS)
2 Major Yurii Gagarin Street
1113 Sofia

Autres personnes associées à la ressource:

Stefania Klayn
Scientific researcher
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IBER-BAS)
2 Major Yurii Gagarin Street
1113 Sofia
Chercheur Principal
Ventzislav Karamfilov
Associate Professor
Insitute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IBER-BAS)
2 Major Yurii Gagarin Street
1113 Sofia

Couverture géographique

Southern Bulgarian Black Sea

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [42,212, 27,662], Nord Est [42,389, 27,831]

Couverture taxonomique

Most taxa were identified to species or genus. No further identification was attempted for the groups Oligochaeta, Hirudinea, Nemertea, Phoronida, Platyhelminthes, Acari, Actiniaria, as well as the larval/juvenile stages of some polychaetes and decapod crustaceans, chironomids and fishes.

Phylum  Nemertea,  Platyhelminthes
Class  Malacostraca,  Thecostraca,  Gastropoda,  Bivalvia,  Polychaeta
Subclass  Hirudinea

Couverture temporelle

Date de début 2013-07-11

Données sur le projet

Project COCONET has two main themes: 1 - identify prospective networks of existing or potential marine protected areas (MPAs) in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas, shifting from a local perspective (centred on single MPAs) to the regional level (network of MPAs) and finally the basin scale (network of networks). The identification of the physical and biological connections among MPAs will elucidate the patterns and processes of biodiversity distribution. Measures to improve protection schemes will be suggested, based on maintaining effective exchanges (biological and hydrological) between protected areas. The national coastal focus of existing MPAs will be widened to both off shore and deep sea habitats, incorporating them into the networks through examination of current legislation, to find legal solutions to set up transboundary MPAs. 2 - explore where offshore wind farms (OWF) might be established, producing an enriched wind atlas both for the Mediterranean and the Black Seas. OWF locations will avoid too sensitive habitats but the possibility for them to act as stepping-stones through MPAs, without interfering much with human activities, will be evaluated. Socioeconomic studies employing ecosystem services valuation methods to develop sustainable approaches for both MPA and OWF development will also be carried out, to complement the ecological and technological parts of the project, so as to provide guidelines to design, manage and monitor networks of MPAs and OWF. Two pilot projects (one in the Mediterranean Sea and one in the Black Sea) will test in the field the assumptions of theoretical approaches, based on previous knowledge, to find emerging properties in what we already know, in the light of the needs of the project.

Titre Towards COast to COast NETworks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential (CoCoNET)
Financement FP7-KBBE - Specific Programme "Cooperation": Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology Grant agreement ID: 287844 Funding scheme: CP-IP-SICA - Large-scale integrating project for specific cooperation actions dedicated to international cooperation partner countries(SICA)
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche Mediterranean and Black Seas

Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:

Stefania Klayn
Chercheur Principal
Ventzislav Karamfilov

Métadonnées additionnelles

Objet The data were collected to characterize the current diversity and community structure of macrozoobenthic communities, and map the distribution of habitats in the shallow littoral zone of the Natura 2000 MPA Ropotamo (Bulgarian Black Sea).
Identifiants alternatifs